Join a library

E-membership allows you to use all our online resources and borrow ebooks, eAudiobooks and digital magazines straight away.

You can apply online and will need a working email address.

This form takes 3 minutes to complete.

Full library membership

If you already have e-membership you can upgrade to full membership by visiting any Barnet Library with your e-membership number.

If you don't have e-membership, you will need to complete a short form, which is available from any Barnet library, and return it to a member of staff during staffed opening times

We will issue you with a library card.

If you are aged 15 or under, a parent or guardian will need to sign your form for you.

Full membership allows you to borrow books, DVDs, CDs and audiobooks.

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Using your library card

We'll give you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) so that you can use the library computers and access our digital library.

Please bring your library card with you if you want to borrow or renew items in the library.

You can also renew items by phone or online, you will need your library card and PIN to do this.

Special library cards

If you are a childminder, foster carer, home educator or preschool leader, you can have a special library card (in addition to your own personal library card) for books to share with the children in your care.

Childminders, foster carers and preschool leaders must show proof of their name and address and their OFSTED or Local Authority registration documents when obtaining a special library card.

To apply for a special card please visit your local library

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You can register to join our e-newsletters to receive information about activities, events and library services.

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